doctor, i'm having this since yesterday, and am already took one shot of injection but the condition doesn't seem to is it?
don't worry..just continue with ur medication first. what i'm gonna tell u is u should recite salawat 100x, istighfar 100x, La ilaha illallah 100x and al-Fatihah 40x. make it as ur daily routine..insyaAllah, those are 'ubat yg paling mujarab' for everything.
could u remember what i'm telling u?
yes, sure.. thank you doctor..thanks alot
a short conversation between us. she told me that she was in rush while talking to me..but at least she had told me something..which actually a kind of reminder
i knew everything from my parents..they are well knowledge people who teach us with many good deeds and amalan. my parents always being a good parents to me and my siblings
but me..a bad daughter. Hamba Allah yang tak tau bersyukur. tanda syukur is not by only saying Alhamdulillah, but it's more than anything..your attitude should reflect that u are grateful. a grateful 'Abd will get closer to his Khaliq
saya rasa dah menyimpang jauh from the right path..saya banyak memberi alasan to myself untuk tidak melakukan itu dan ini..betapa besarnya pengaruh La'natullah Syaitan dalam hidup saya.
saya mampu mendidik nafsu kearah kebaikan bila tibanya Ramadhan..dimana syaitan-syaitan itu telah diikat.. so now, saya harus mendidik nafsu supaya tidak tunduk dengan syaitan. insyaAllah..perlu bermujahadah
semoga ape yang berlaku menjadi turning point untuk kehidupan yang lebih bermakna.insyaAllah
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