Friday, December 31, 2010

the end of 2010


saya tak jadi balik subang malam ney.maybe besok.

entry ney ditulis betul2 at the end of 2010..
saya tak tau nape tibetibe je saya baru ade feel that 2010 will gonna end
in a few minutes je lagi..
siyes before this saya tak rase pape..

dan baru sekarang jugak saya selak balik memori saya
nak muhasabah balik ape yg saya dah buat dalam mase setahun ney
macam takde pape pun kan
pejam celik pejam celik
dah habis satu tahun
saya nak cari balik azam tahun 2010 that i wrote sumwhere
tapi mcm malas nak cari
tunggu balik umah taiping nnt jumpe la kot

saya tak faham nape org beriye nak celebrate new year
takde makna pape pun
cube fikir dua tiga kali
kalau fikir sekali mmg rase mcm 
"eh..suka hati aku la nak smbut new year..ape ko kesah?"
tapi kalau fikir byk kali
then only we will realize that celebrating every coming year is just like celebrating our own tak?
sbb lagi meningkat tahun means lagi pendek umur kite
so kalau dah tau tak lama lagi nak mati
tak kan still nak celebrate excited gile kot
at sumthing yg boleh improve our life quality and of course our life after death
takkan nak siasia mcm tu je
(saya tak ckp ney kat sapesape..coz this is also a remainder for me)

bagi saya every one should have their own azam baru
tak kisah ape org nak ckp
"eleh ko tu..azam baru konon, buat belum tentu"
tapi at least
we try to set in our mind that we should realize all those things
coz i trust that we are what we think and we believe 
sebab when we have self confident
ekceli we can do a lot of things
byk unexpected things yg kite buat come from our brave and confident
sampai kadang2 kite mcm tak percaya
" eh betul ke aku yg buat ney" 

for 2011
that will be coming soon in a few minutes
i wish i can be a better person in all aspects of life
that's all i can say i think
sebab saya dah listkan my resolutions on Muharam hari tu
yela tahun baru Islam kan
i'll try to keep my promise to myself
and to my Lord..Allah The Almighhty

if doesn't following my favor is consider good
than i won't follow that
maybe my favor is from nafsu semata mata
selamat tinggal 2010
sayonara tahun yang bersejarah
(tibetibe rase emo mcm nak nangis)

t.h.a.t. i.s. f.o.r. t.h.i.s. t.i.m.e.

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