Friday, January 21, 2011

Apa itu radang paru-paru?


ekceli entry ney ditulis utk x-rumate saya waktu kat KMKN dulu iaitu aten since last week waktu we had a very long conversation and she did asked me about radang paru-paru. then i really had no idea bout it. so i decide to search some info to improve my knowledge as well as to inform her about the disease. here, i try to write and describe the disease in the simplest way so that it become understandable for everyone~

my dear aten..radang paru paru tu sebenarye org salu cakap that pneumonia is paru paru berair kan? the fact is paru paru berair tu is one type of pneumonia@radang paru paru.
Causes of pneumonia

  1. Bacteria - most common; bacteria inside our mouth tertelan masuk into lung
  2. Viruses - common in infants and young children
  3. Breathing of foreign material - eg: tertelan air, makanan, muntah etc. 

- start with cold (bersin, sakit tekak, batuk)
- then high fever (40'C)
- menggigil (shaking chills)
- batuk dengan kahak jernih atau berdarah
- letih (lethargy)
- bila penyakit bertambah teruk:
     = shortness of breath (nafas pendek)
     = warna kulit berubah jadi purplish (cyanosis)
     = sakit dada (chest pain)

  • usually the disease will resolve within 2 weeks after taking antibiotics given by the doctor
  • kalau tertelan benda asing tadi, dokter akan sedut that thing keluar
  • X-ray akan dibuat utk make sure pneumonia tu dah sembuh

Ape perlu buat kat rumah?
:- control demam by makan ubat or ape2 yg boleh kurangkan demam
:- jgn ambik ubat batuk if doctor tak kasi
:- minum air banyak2 utk senang keluarkan kahak
:- have a good rest

Hubungi dokter bila:
~ pernafasan makin teruk
~ nafas pendek (shortness of breath), menggigil dan demam yg berterusan
~ sakit ketika bernafas
~ batuk dengan kahak berdarah
~ sakit dada bila batuk/ bernafas
~ night sweats or unexplained weight loss

Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, going to the bathroom, diapering, and before eating or preparing foods.


nota jari:
to aten:
1. don't worry too much aten..ape2 bawak die gi jumpe dokter and ikut sume arahan dokter
2. kalau tak faham sgt ape yg kte tulis, tnye je takpe

-. this post seems to be skemA dan membuktikan ke'nerd'an saya yg sebenar
-. by the way, hebat tak saya translate benda alah ney and try to make it simple (angkat bakul)

t.h.a.t. i.s. f.o.r. t.h.i.s. t.i.m.e.

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